Why Do I Do It…?


This post has been given a  ‘PTMI’ ( (Potentially Too Much Information) rating of 8/10 – you have been warned 🙂

Why do I do it…???

“Do what?” I hear you ask…

Well… being as you asked… I’m sitting here with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream in front of me and I’m going to eat it – all of it – in one sitting – in fact before it’s at perfect eating temperature…you know, that wonderful gooey not-quite-in-its-frozen-state-anymore-but-about-to-become-a-liquid state…to be honest, my sturdy spoon is in danger of being bent due to it being the total opposite of perfect eating temperature – it can’t defrost fast enough…

If there were any other ‘bad’ foods in the house, they would be in serious danger right now…lucky for me (or not so lucky for me in this state of mind) I don’t get them in anymore.  No bars of ‘normal’ chocolate, or crisps, or pizza lurking in cupboards…just fresh veggies etc in the fridge along with some cold meats and bacon – none of which appeal to me right now I’m ashamed to say… I’m being  very strong and NOT going online to look at pizza takeaway menus – heck I’m even thinking of cracking open a bottle of wine  so I won’t get in the car and go get takeaway chicken and fries (which always makes me feel like cr*p after I’ve eaten it when I’ve succumbed in the past…)  I don’t drive if I’ve had any alcohol at all…

I’ve not had a ‘bad’ day at work – manic and tons to do yes – but I actually like it like that.  Ok, starting my usually clockwork precision-like period 4 ******** days early whilst still at work – and in the middle of marathon back to back conference calls  – without realising  – wasn’t good  – in fact if Mother Nature had been standing in front of me at the point I realised – or even now come to think of it – she’d have been told to stick her ‘monthly gift’ where the sun doesn’t shine – but like I say, in the scheme of things, not a ‘bad’ day at all.


Can I be bothered to make ‘wise food choices’ right now – no.

If I had another tub of ice cream in the freezer would it be in danger after I’ve scraped the bottom of this one clean – yes.

Would I care – no – ok maybe I would after the second tub – my tummy (and head) are starting to complain a bit after the first one actually if I’m honest – that (was) alot of sugar… (yep it’s all gone…)

I do find myself back at where I started at the beginning of this totally random post – what on earth makes me do it???   Then again… I can’t be arsed trying to analyse it and life’s too short to regret my less-frequent-than-they-used-to-be lapses of good judgement 🙂

I’m off to get some paracetamol for my headache…